Monday, November 24, 2014

United States Post Office

I had to go down our local post office to mail an oversized letter today.  The line was nearly out the door and only one clerk was at one of the three windows.  I noticed several others busily doing what was probably 'administrative stuff' to satisfy the 'system'.  My observation is this - most of the postal employees I have met are great people who really want to do a good job.  The problem is they seem to be stuck in a system that does not allow or encourage good customer service.  No wonder there a problems!  Let's hope for a change.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tea and Toast

In the last years I have developed a habit of waking up in the middle of the night, enjoying a cup of tea and a piece of toast, and reading/thinking in the quietness of the night.  For me there seems to be something special about that time that is hard to describe to sound sleepers.

The Psalmist says 'My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promise.'  I wonder if he had 'tea and toast' also.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sauntering and Bimbling

Reading 'Walking' by Thoreau made me think back to my youth when I would take long walks through the countryside, often down the railroad tracks and ending up near a small lake at a neighboring farm.  A young man had drowned in that lake so we were made hesitant to swim in it.  There was, yet, a certain pleasure in simply walking around it and absorbing it's stillness.  Perhaps this was true sauntering.  Bimbling at it's best.  Such times are difficult to regain.